
圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

表 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
美國 282.762 212.914 304.594 316.605 357.520 116.366
德國 100.081 228.695 507.396 137.550 186.132 91.434
中國大陸 67.467 95.333 114.601 163.546 166.745 65.110
丹麥 4.678 6.110 13.316 14.062 23.627 352.015
英國 48.539 81.832 34.539 42.611 66.590 24.964
荷蘭 18.219 31.497 17.912 6.662 35.148 17.466
台灣 13.502 14.930 26.607 24.915 23.110 15.723
法國 27.592 12.604 28.225 11.163 14.742 7.903
日本 19.323 12.293 27.634 20.457 13.034 4.518
加拿大 9.494 9.729 47.151 11.736 12.069 5.986
Others 104.275 113.758 113.696 130.491 189.034 56.861
Total 695,933 819,694 1,235,671 879,796 1,087,752 758,343

圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

表 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

Export Countries
12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024 05 - 2024
丹麥 12.826 893 347.146 2.955 360 662
美國 22.859 23.551 37.659 11.835 25.428 17.893
德國 15.822 16.154 19.888 20.340 13.072 21.980
中國大陸 24.112 10.448 16.907 15.023 8.930 13.802
荷蘭 14.900 6.231 5.526 1.000 2.956 1.752
英國 5.240 5.351 5.205 4.602 6.077 3.728
台灣 617 3.333 4.759 1.216 5.438 977
瑞典 7.301 3.342 933 275 1.065 3.081
法國 5.967 1.052 3.793 3.057
加拿大 1.362 352 1.236 1.465 2.322 610
Others 11.230 12.698 9.488 6.790 10.809 12.896
Total 122,236 82,352 449,799 69,294 76,457 80,440

圖形 - 冰島 - 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

圖形 - 冰島 - 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

表 - 冰島 - 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
瑞士 8.356
美國 2.557 51
西班牙 1.038 498
英國 657 411
格陵兰 596 56
義大利 233
塞浦路斯 33
法國 21
Total 1,038 657 11,644 432 681 56

圖形 - 冰島 - 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

圖形 - 冰島 - 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

表 - 冰島 - 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

Import Countries
04 - 2024
格陵兰 56
Total 56

圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 / 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 / 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

表 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 / 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 全年 FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
美國 282.762 212.914 304.594 316.605 357.520 116.366
德國 100.081 228.695 507.396 137.550 186.132 91.434
中國大陸 67.467 95.333 114.601 163.546 166.745 65.110
丹麥 4.678 6.110 13.316 14.062 23.627 352.015
英國 48.539 81.832 34.539 42.611 66.590 24.964
荷蘭 18.219 31.497 17.912 6.662 35.148 17.466
台灣 13.502 14.930 26.607 24.915 23.110 15.723
法國 27.592 12.604 28.225 11.163 14.742 7.903
日本 19.323 12.293 27.634 20.457 13.034 4.518
加拿大 9.494 9.729 47.151 11.736 12.069 5.986
Others 104.275 113.758 113.696 130.491 189.034 56.861
Total 695,933 819,694 1,235,671 879,796 1,087,752 758,343

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
瑞士 8.356
美國 2.557 51
西班牙 1.038 498
英國 657 411
格陵兰 596 56
義大利 233
塞浦路斯 33
法國 21
Total 1,038 657 11,644 432 681 56

圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 / 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

圖形 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 / 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

表 - 冰島 - 進口 - 進化 / 出口 - 進化 - NCE: 乐器配件 - parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds: - 每月 FOB USD

Export Countries
12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024 05 - 2024
丹麥 12.826 893 347.146 2.955 360 662
美國 22.859 23.551 37.659 11.835 25.428 17.893
德國 15.822 16.154 19.888 20.340 13.072 21.980
中國大陸 24.112 10.448 16.907 15.023 8.930 13.802
荷蘭 14.900 6.231 5.526 1.000 2.956 1.752
英國 5.240 5.351 5.205 4.602 6.077 3.728
台灣 617 3.333 4.759 1.216 5.438 977
瑞典 7.301 3.342 933 275 1.065 3.081
法國 5.967 1.052 3.793 3.057
加拿大 1.362 352 1.236 1.465 2.322 610
Others 11.230 12.698 9.488 6.790 10.809 12.896
Total 122,236 82,352 449,799 69,294 76,457 80,440

Import Countries
04 - 2024
格陵兰 56
Total 56