Развертывание отчет

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

Стол - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

Export Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
США 989.260.629 963.988.423 919.102.776 922.827.225 925.620.877 943.991.244
Китай 53.117.138 52.855.041 48.316.408 45.701.173 61.151.477 69.071.855
Германия 36.664.156 39.200.695 38.190.453 30.421.311 37.921.855 22.759.800
Канада 18.453.859 12.763.620 16.334.844 22.489.844 25.424.269 5.261.873
Гватемала 12.898.873 13.428.402 13.218.351 14.262.099 12.843.599 10.928.051
Бразилия 4.677.479 7.284.224 12.008.308 13.438.293 10.135.002 9.636.612
Испания 3.454.403 2.882.078 4.218.919 4.530.178 6.687.654 6.767.592
Сальвадор 2.796.095 2.398.871 2.189.436 2.779.427 5.527.888 5.550.993
Австрия 1.916.445 2.225.544 1.299.620 2.625.113 6.647.575 4.168.963
Южная Корея 3.075.974 3.130.905 2.818.411 4.569.560 3.441.333 1.105.617
Others 31.330.134 26.415.819 18.559.612 20.594.309 25.188.596 11.660.381
Total 1,157,645,185 1,126,573,622 1,076,257,138 1,084,238,532 1,120,590,125 1,090,902,981

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

Стол - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

Export Countries
07 - 2019 08 - 2019 09 - 2019 10 - 2019 11 - 2019 12 - 2019
США 81.495.898 77.454.028 73.018.060 83.338.469 75.994.780 78.670.196
Китай 5.582.534 6.417.728 7.973.406 7.043.091 6.616.608 6.923.193
Германия 91.884 79.520 5.164.769 4.504.987 82.523 218.894
Гватемала 1.143.034 1.159.843 1.524.168 1.893.453 1.022.555
Бразилия 1.702.713 1.042.630 1.852.780 1.201.932 361.147 1.545
Испания 615.519 257.458 484.318 475.616 1.502.063 457.985
Сальвадор 489.839 422.260 476.725 515.347 608.999 312.536
Канада 475.883 501.653 543.698 397.487 438.353 307.985
Италия 119.712 301.203 107.615 171.102 122.529 132.531
Австрия 5.945 843.179 6.027 1.324 2.063 11.624
Others 687.982 756.765 728.113 1.264.238 653.884 596.322
Total 92,410,943 89,236,267 91,879,679 100,807,046 87,405,504 87,632,811

График - Мексика - экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

График - Мексика - экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

Стол - Мексика - экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

Import Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
США 330.889.197 338.183.956 335.480.106 379.100.555 405.566.613 412.487.399
Канада 3.175.509 6.378.703 5.951.033 6.793.993 8.654.977 7.397.218
Коста Рикa 3.822.071 5.427.968 5.675.652 5.674.614 5.984.959 4.351.199
Колумбия 1.829.508 1.605.410 3.181.298 5.470.855 7.420.766 1.178.436
Гватемала 1.958.337 2.695.191 3.007.443 2.916.306 3.259.324 3.225.220
Доминиканская Респуб... 880.800 781.065 2.192.498 1.479.964 1.738.001 1.772.060
Тринидад и Тобаго 945.953 1.014.445 2.236.182 2.058.819 1.889.839 271.644
Панама 1.616.268 1.541.883 1.744.582 1.360.098 1.248.074 427.556
Чили 1.676.809 2.000.870 898.428 1.172.226 871.791 308.398
Сальвадор 803.107 678.161 961.986 986.932 1.086.576 759.029
Others 11.626.087 5.843.652 8.452.712 11.412.421 15.873.195 3.156.921
Total 359,223,646 366,151,304 369,781,920 418,426,783 453,594,115 435,335,080

График - Мексика - экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

График - Мексика - экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

Стол - Мексика - экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

Import Countries
07 - 2019 08 - 2019 09 - 2019 10 - 2019 11 - 2019 12 - 2019
США 37.920.995 37.757.730 35.361.183 38.458.976 33.486.520 35.746.678
Канада 1.020.593 753.341 438.899 201.968 404.238 451.254
Коста Рикa 517.490 278.903 145.948 606.479 87.947 190.095
Гватемала 205.881 146.825 284.072 339.942 436.229 151.702
Доминиканская Респуб... 358.659 201.443 56.354 57.833 43.682 150.645
Сальвадор 46.946 57.257 46.905 136.298 62.410 97.356
Германия 72.389 13.352 198.908 45.231 13.193
Гондурас 20.816 19.579 3.751 211.082 40.831
Тринидад и Тобаго 271.644
Япония 62.755 135.903
Others 266.588 101.266 147.572 130.149 172.438 114.825
Total 40,430,357 39,392,451 36,892,231 40,341,635 34,779,526 36,915,748

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция / экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция / экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

Стол - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция / экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Объявления FOB USD

Export Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
США 989.260.629 963.988.423 919.102.776 922.827.225 925.620.877 943.991.244
Китай 53.117.138 52.855.041 48.316.408 45.701.173 61.151.477 69.071.855
Германия 36.664.156 39.200.695 38.190.453 30.421.311 37.921.855 22.759.800
Канада 18.453.859 12.763.620 16.334.844 22.489.844 25.424.269 5.261.873
Гватемала 12.898.873 13.428.402 13.218.351 14.262.099 12.843.599 10.928.051
Бразилия 4.677.479 7.284.224 12.008.308 13.438.293 10.135.002 9.636.612
Испания 3.454.403 2.882.078 4.218.919 4.530.178 6.687.654 6.767.592
Сальвадор 2.796.095 2.398.871 2.189.436 2.779.427 5.527.888 5.550.993
Австрия 1.916.445 2.225.544 1.299.620 2.625.113 6.647.575 4.168.963
Южная Корея 3.075.974 3.130.905 2.818.411 4.569.560 3.441.333 1.105.617
Others 31.330.134 26.415.819 18.559.612 20.594.309 25.188.596 11.660.381
Total 1,157,645,185 1,126,573,622 1,076,257,138 1,084,238,532 1,120,590,125 1,090,902,981

Import Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
США 330.889.197 338.183.956 335.480.106 379.100.555 405.566.613 412.487.399
Канада 3.175.509 6.378.703 5.951.033 6.793.993 8.654.977 7.397.218
Коста Рикa 3.822.071 5.427.968 5.675.652 5.674.614 5.984.959 4.351.199
Колумбия 1.829.508 1.605.410 3.181.298 5.470.855 7.420.766 1.178.436
Гватемала 1.958.337 2.695.191 3.007.443 2.916.306 3.259.324 3.225.220
Доминиканская Респуб... 880.800 781.065 2.192.498 1.479.964 1.738.001 1.772.060
Тринидад и Тобаго 945.953 1.014.445 2.236.182 2.058.819 1.889.839 271.644
Панама 1.616.268 1.541.883 1.744.582 1.360.098 1.248.074 427.556
Чили 1.676.809 2.000.870 898.428 1.172.226 871.791 308.398
Сальвадор 803.107 678.161 961.986 986.932 1.086.576 759.029
Others 11.626.087 5.843.652 8.452.712 11.412.421 15.873.195 3.156.921
Total 359,223,646 366,151,304 369,781,920 418,426,783 453,594,115 435,335,080

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция / экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

График - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция / экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

Стол - Мексика - Импортные товары - эволюция / экспорт - эволюция - NCE: контейнеры для бумаги - cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like: - Ежемесячно FOB USD

Export Countries
07 - 2019 08 - 2019 09 - 2019 10 - 2019 11 - 2019 12 - 2019
США 81.495.898 77.454.028 73.018.060 83.338.469 75.994.780 78.670.196
Китай 5.582.534 6.417.728 7.973.406 7.043.091 6.616.608 6.923.193
Германия 91.884 79.520 5.164.769 4.504.987 82.523 218.894
Гватемала 1.143.034 1.159.843 1.524.168 1.893.453 1.022.555
Бразилия 1.702.713 1.042.630 1.852.780 1.201.932 361.147 1.545
Испания 615.519 257.458 484.318 475.616 1.502.063 457.985
Сальвадор 489.839 422.260 476.725 515.347 608.999 312.536
Канада 475.883 501.653 543.698 397.487 438.353 307.985
Италия 119.712 301.203 107.615 171.102 122.529 132.531
Австрия 5.945 843.179 6.027 1.324 2.063 11.624
Others 687.982 756.765 728.113 1.264.238 653.884 596.322
Total 92,410,943 89,236,267 91,879,679 100,807,046 87,405,504 87,632,811

Import Countries
07 - 2019 08 - 2019 09 - 2019 10 - 2019 11 - 2019 12 - 2019
США 37.920.995 37.757.730 35.361.183 38.458.976 33.486.520 35.746.678
Канада 1.020.593 753.341 438.899 201.968 404.238 451.254
Коста Рикa 517.490 278.903 145.948 606.479 87.947 190.095
Гватемала 205.881 146.825 284.072 339.942 436.229 151.702
Доминиканская Респуб... 358.659 201.443 56.354 57.833 43.682 150.645
Сальвадор 46.946 57.257 46.905 136.298 62.410 97.356
Германия 72.389 13.352 198.908 45.231 13.193
Гондурас 20.816 19.579 3.751 211.082 40.831
Тринидад и Тобаго 271.644
Япония 62.755 135.903
Others 266.588 101.266 147.572 130.149 172.438 114.825
Total 40,430,357 39,392,451 36,892,231 40,341,635 34,779,526 36,915,748