Comex تقارير التجارة الدولية

التعريفة الجمركية
All tariff positions
01 - live animals
0101 - horses
0102 - bovine
0103 - pigs
0104 - sheep and goats
0105 - poultry
0106 - other animals
02 - meat and edible meat offal
0201 - bovine meat
0202 - frozen bovine meat
0203 - pig meat
0204 - sheep and goat meat
0205 - horse meat
0206 - edible offal
0207 - poultry meat
0208 - other meat
0209 - animal fat
0210 - preserved meat
03 - fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates
0301 - live fish
0302 - non-fillet fresh fish
0303 - non-fillet frozen fish
0304 - fish fillets
0305 - processed fish
0306 - crustaceans
0307 - molluscs
0308 - no description available
0309 - missinging description
04 - dairy produce; birds eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
0401 - milk
0402 - concentrated milk
0403 - fermented milk products
0404 - whey
0405 - butter
0406 - cheese
0407 - eggs
0408 - processed egg products
0409 - honey
0410 - other edible animal products
05 - products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
0501 - human hair
0502 - pig hair
0504 - animal organs
0505 - bird feathers and skins
0506 - processed bones
0507 - raw bones
0508 - coral and shells
0510 - pharmaceutical animal products
0511 - other inedible animal products
06 - live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage
0601 - bulbs and roots
0602 - other live plants
0603 - cut flowers
0604 - foliage
07 - edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
0701 - potatoes
0702 - tomatoes
0703 - onions
0704 - cabbages
0705 - lettuce
0706 - root vegetables
0707 - cucumbers
0708 - legumes
0709 - other vegetables
0710 - frozen vegetables
0711 - preserved vegetables
0712 - dried vegetables
0713 - dried legumes
0714 - cassava
08 - edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons
0801 - coconuts, brazil nuts, and cashews
0802 - other nuts
0803 - bananas
0804 - tropical fruits
0805 - citrus
0806 - grapes
0807 - melons
0808 - apples and pears
0809 - pitted fruits
0810 - other fruits
0811 - frozen fruits and nuts
0812 - preserved fruits and nuts
0813 - dried fruits
0814 - citrus and melon peels
09 - coffee, tea, maté and spices
0901 - coffee
0902 - tea
0903 - maté
0904 - pepper
0905 - vanilla
0906 - cinnamon
0907 - cloves
0908 - nutmeg
0909 - spice seeds
0910 - spices
0991 - missinging description
10 - cereals
1001 - wheat
1002 - rye
1003 - barley
1004 - oats
1005 - corn
1006 - rice
1007 - sorghum
1008 - buckwheat
1013 - missinging description
1023 - missinging description
1064 - missinging description
11 - products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten
1101 - wheat flours
1102 - cereal flours
1103 - cereal meal and pellets
1104 - processed cereals
1105 - potato flours
1106 - legume flours
1107 - malt
1108 - starches
1109 - wheat gluten
1132 - missinging description
12 - oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder
1201 - soybeans
1202 - ground nuts
1203 - copra
1204 - linseed
1205 - rapeseed
1206 - sunflower seeds
1207 - other oily seeds
1208 - oil seed flower
1209 - sowing seeds
1210 - hops
1211 - perfume plants
1212 - locust beans
1213 - cereal straws
1214 - forage crops
13 - lac; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts
1301 - insect resins
1302 - vegetable saps
14 - vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included
1401 - vegetable plaiting materials
1404 - other vegetable products
15 - animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
1501 - pig and poultry fat
1502 - bovine, sheep, and goat fat
1503 - lard
1504 - fish oil
1505 - wool grease
1506 - other animal fats
1507 - soybean oil
1508 - ground nut oil
1509 - pure olive oil
1510 - olive oil
1511 - palm oil
1512 - seed oils
1513 - coconut oil
1514 - rapeseed oil
1515 - other pure vegetable oils
1516 - other vegetable oils
1517 - margarine
1518 - inedible fats and oils
1520 - glycerol
1521 - waxes
1522 - fat and oil residues
16 - preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates
1601 - sausages
1602 - other prepared meat
1603 - animal extracts
1604 - processed fish
1605 - processed crustaceans
17 - sugars and sugar confectionery
1701 - raw sugar
1702 - other sugars
1703 - molasses
1704 - confectionery sugar
18 - cocoa and cocoa preparations
1801 - cocoa beans
1802 - cocoa shells
1803 - cocoa paste
1804 - cocoa butter
1805 - cocoa powder
1806 - chocolate
19 - preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; bakers' wares
1901 - malt extract
1902 - pasta
1903 - tapioca
1904 - prepared cereals
1905 - baked goods
20 - preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants
2001 - pickled foods
2002 - processed tomatoes
2003 - processed mushrooms
2004 - other frozen vegetables
2005 - other processed vegetables
2006 - sugar preserved foods
2007 - jams
2008 - other processed fruits and nuts
2009 - fruit juice
2041 - missinging description
2068 - missinging description
2074 - missinging description
2075 - missinging description
2076 - missinging description
2081 - missinging description
2084 - missinging description
2085 - missinging description
2091 - missinging description
2099 - missinging description
21 - miscellaneous edible preparations
2101 - coffee and tea extracts
2102 - yeast
2103 - sauces and seasonings
2104 - soups and broths
2105 - ice cream
2106 - other edible preparations
22 - beverages, spirits and vinegar
2201 - water
2202 - flavored water
2203 - beer
2204 - wine
2205 - vermouth
2206 - other fermented beverages
2207 - alcohol > 80% abv
2208 - hard liquor
2209 - vinegar
23 - residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal feed
2301 - animal meal and pellets
2302 - bran
2303 - starch residue
2304 - soybean meal
2305 - ground nut meal
2306 - other vegetable residues
2307 - wine lees
2308 - other vegetable residues and waste
2309 - animal food
24 - tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes
2401 - raw tobacco
2402 - rolled tobacco
2403 - processed tobacco
2404 - missinging description
25 - salt; sulfur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement
2501 - salt
2502 - iron pyrites
2503 - sulphur
2504 - graphite
2505 - sand
2506 - quartz
2507 - kaolin
2508 - clays
2509 - chalk
2510 - calcium phosphates
2511 - barium sulphate
2512 - siliceous fossil meals
2513 - pumice
2514 - slate
2515 - marble, travertine and alabaster
2516 - granite
2517 - gravel and crushed stone
2518 - dolomite
2519 - magnesium carbonate
2520 - gypsum
2521 - limestone
2522 - quicklime
2523 - cement
2524 - asbestos
2525 - mica
2526 - soapstone
2528 - borax
2529 - feldspar
2530 - other mineral
26 - ores, slag and ash
2601 - iron ore
2602 - manganese ore
2603 - copper ore
2604 - nickel ore
2605 - cobalt ore
2606 - aluminium ore
2607 - lead ore
2608 - zinc ore
2609 - tin ores
2610 - chromium ore
2611 - tungsten ore
2613 - molybdenum ore
2614 - titanium ore
2615 - niobium, tantalum, vanadium and zirconium ore
2616 - precious metal ore
2617 - other ores
2618 - granulated slag
2619 - slag dross
2620 - non-iron and steel slag, ash and residues
2621 - other slag and ash
27 - mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes
2701 - coal briquettes
2702 - lignite
2703 - peat
2704 - coke
2705 - non-petroleum gas
2706 - tar
2707 - coal tar oil
2708 - pitch coke
2709 - crude petroleum
2710 - refined petroleum
2711 - petroleum gas
2712 - petroleum jelly
2713 - petroleum coke
2714 - asphalt
2715 - asphalt mixtures
2716 - electricity
2717 - missinging description
28 - inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes
2801 - halogens
2802 - sulfur
2803 - carbon
2804 - hydrogen
2805 - alkaline metals
2806 - hydrochloric acid
2807 - sulfuric acid
2808 - nitric acids
2809 - phosphoric acid
2810 - boron
2811 - other inorganic acids
2812 - halides
2813 - nonmetal sulfides
2814 - ammonia
2815 - sodium or potassium peroxides
2816 - magnesium hydroxide and peroxide
2817 - zinc oxide and peroxide
2818 - aluminium oxide
2819 - chromium oxides and hydroxides
2820 - manganese oxides
2821 - iron oxides and hydroxides
2822 - cobalt oxides and hydroxides
2823 - titanium oxides
2824 - lead oxides
2825 - inorganic salts
2826 - fluorides
2827 - chlorides
2828 - hypochlorites
2829 - chlorates and perchlorates
2830 - sulfides
2831 - dithionites and sulfoxylates
2832 - sulfites
2833 - sulfates
2834 - nitrites and nitrates
2835 - phosphinates and phosphonates
2836 - carbonates
2837 - cyanides
2839 - silicates
2840 - borates
2841 - oxometallic or peroxometallic acid salts
2842 - other inorganic acids salts
2843 - precious metal compounds
2844 - radioactive chemicals
2845 - other isotopes
2846 - rare-earth metal compounds
2847 - hydrogen peroxide
2848 - phosphides
2849 - carbides
2850 - hydrides and other anions
2852 - mercury compounds
2853 - other inorganic compounds
29 - organic chemicals
2901 - acyclic hydrocarbons
2902 - cyclic hydrocarbons
2903 - halogenated hydrocarbons
2904 - sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated hydrocarbons
2905 - acyclic alcohols
2906 - cyclic alcohols
2907 - phenols
2908 - phenol derivatives
2909 - ethers
2910 - epoxides
2911 - acetals and hemiacetals
2912 - aldehydes
2913 - aldehyde derivatives
2914 - ketones and quinones
2915 - saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids
2916 - unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids
2917 - polycarboxylic acids
2918 - carboxylic acids
2919 - phosphoric esters and salts
2920 - other esters
2921 - amine compounds
2922 - oxygen amino compounds
2923 - quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides
2924 - carboxyamide compounds
2925 - carboxyimide compounds
2926 - nitrile compounds
2927 - diazo, azo or aoxy compounds
2928 - hydrazine or hydroxylamine derivatives
2929 - other nitrogen compounds
2930 - organo-sulfur compounds
2931 - other organo-inorganic compounds
2932 - oxygen heterocyclic compounds
2933 - nitrogen heterocyclic compounds
2934 - nucleic acids
2935 - sulfonamides
2936 - vitamins
2937 - hormones
2938 - glycosides
2939 - vegetable alkaloids
2940 - chemically pure sugars
2941 - antibiotics
2942 - other organic compounds
2999 - missinging description
30 - pharmaceutical products
3001 - glands and other organs
3002 - human or animal blood
3003 - unpackaged medicaments
3004 - packaged medicaments
3005 - bandages
3006 - special pharmaceuticals
3029 - missinging description
3039 - missinging description
3044 - missinging description
3045 - missinging description
3046 - missinging description
3047 - missinging description
3057 - missinging description
3063 - missinging description
3069 - missinging description
3077 - missinging description
3078 - missinging description
3081 - missinging description
3082 - missinging description
3083 - missinging description
3089 - missinging description
3091 - missinging description
3099 - missinging description
31 - fertilizers
3101 - animal or vegetable fertilizers
3102 - nitrogenous fertilizers
3103 - phosphatic fertilizers
3104 - potassic fertilizers
3105 - mixed mineral or chemical fertilizers
32 - tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other coloring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks
3201 - vegetable tanning extracts
3202 - synthetic tanning extracts
3203 - vegetable or animal dyes
3204 - synthetic coloring matter
3205 - lake pigments
3206 - other coloring matter
3207 - prepared pigments
3208 - nonaqueous paints
3209 - aqueous paints
3210 - other paints
3211 - prepared paint driers
3212 - nonaqueous pigments
3213 - artistry paints
3214 - glaziers putty
3215 - ink
33 - essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
3301 - essential oils
3302 - scented mixtures
3303 - perfumes
3304 - beauty products
3305 - hair products
3306 - dental products
3307 - shaving products
34 - "soap, organic surfaceactive agents, washing preparations, lubricating preparations, artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing or scouring preparations, candles and similar articles, modeling pastes, ""dental waxes"" and dental preparations with a basis of plaster"
3401 - soap
3402 - cleaning products
3403 - lubricating products
3404 - waxes
3405 - polishes and creams
3406 - candles
3407 - pastes and waxes
35 - albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes
3501 - casein
3502 - water soluble proteins
3503 - gelatin
3504 - peptones
3505 - dextrins
3506 - glues
3507 - enzymes
36 - explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain combustible preparations
3601 - propellant powders
3602 - prepared explosives
3603 - detonating fuses
3604 - fireworks
3605 - matches
3606 - pyrophoric alloys
37 - photographic or cinematographic goods
3701 - photographic plates
3702 - photographic film
3703 - photographic paper
3704 - undeveloped exposed photographic material
3705 - developed exposed photographic material
3706 - motion-picture film, exposed and developed
3707 - photographic chemicals
38 - miscellaneous chemical products
3801 - artificial graphite
3802 - activated carbon
3803 - tall oil
3804 - wood pulp lyes
3805 - turpentine
3806 - rosin
3807 - wood tar, oils and pitch
3808 - pesticides
3809 - dyeing finishing agents
3810 - metal pickling preparations
3811 - antiknock
3812 - prepared rubber accelerators
3813 - fire extinguishers preparations
3814 - organic composite solvents
3815 - reaction and catalytic products
3816 - refractory cements
3817 - alkylbenzenes and alkylnaphthalenes
3818 - disc chemicals for electronics
3819 - hydraulic brake fluid
3820 - antifreeze
3821 - micro-organism culture preparations
3822 - laboratory reagents
3823 - industrial fatty acids, oils and alcohols
3824 - prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores
3825 - residual chemical
3827 - missinging description
39 - plastics and articles thereof
3901 - ethylene polymers
3902 - propylene polymers
3903 - styrene polymers
3904 - vinyl chloride polymers
3905 - other vinyl polymers
3906 - acrylic polymers
3907 - polyacetals
3908 - polyamides
3909 - amino-resins
3910 - silicone
3911 - petroleum resins
3912 - cellulose
3913 - natural polymers
3914 - polymer ion-exchangers
3915 - scrap plastic
3916 - monofilament
3917 - plastic pipes
3918 - plastic floor coverings
3919 - self-adhesive plastics
3920 - raw plastic sheeting
3921 - other plastic sheetings
3922 - plastic wash basins
3923 - plastic lids
3924 - plastic housewares
3925 - plastic building materials
3926 - other plastic products
3927 - missinging description
40 - rubber and articles thereof
4001 - rubber
4002 - synthetic rubber
4003 - reclaimed rubber
4004 - scrap rubber
4005 - compounded unvulcanised rubber
4006 - unvulcanised rubber products
4007 - rubber thread
4008 - rubber sheets
4009 - rubber pipes
4010 - rubber belting
4011 - rubber tires
4012 - used rubber tires
4013 - rubber inner tubes
4014 - pharmaceutical rubber products
4015 - rubber apparel
4016 - other rubber products
4017 - hard rubber
4020 - missinging description
4032 - missinging description
4072 - missinging description
4079 - missinging description
41 - raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather
4101 - equine and bovine hides
4102 - sheep hides
4103 - other hides and skins
4104 - tanned equine and bovine hides
4105 - tanned sheep hides
4106 - tanned goat hides
4107 - leather of other animals
4112 - further prepared sheep hides
4113 - further prepared hides of other animals
4114 - chamois and mixed leather
4115 - composition leather
42 - articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut)
4201 - saddlery
4202 - trunks and cases
4203 - leather apparel
4205 - other leather articles
4206 - articles of gut
4208 - missinging description
43 - furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof
4301 - raw furskins
4302 - tanned furskins
4303 - furskin apparel
4304 - artificial fur
44 - wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal
4401 - fuel wood
4402 - wood charcoal
4403 - rough wood
4404 - wood stakes
4405 - wood wool
4406 - railroad ties
4407 - sawn wood
4408 - veneer sheets
4409 - shaped wood
4410 - particle board
4411 - wood fiberboard
4412 - plywood
4413 - densified wood
4414 - wood frames
4415 - wood crates
4416 - wood barrels
4417 - wooden tool handles
4418 - wood carpentry
4419 - wood kitchenware
4420 - wood ornaments
4421 - other wood articles
45 - cork and articles of cork
4501 - raw cork
4502 - debacked cork
4503 - natural cork articles
4504 - agglomerated cork
46 - manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork
4601 - plaiting products
4602 - basketwork
47 - pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of paper or paperboard
4701 - mechanical wood pulp
4702 - dissolving grades chemical woodpulp
4703 - sulfate chemical woodpulp
4704 - sulfite chemical woodpulp
4705 - semi chemical woodpulp
4706 - recovered paper pulp
4707 - recovered paper
48 - paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard
4801 - newsprint
4802 - uncoated paper
4803 - facial tissue
4804 - uncoated kraft paper
4805 - other uncoated paper
4806 - vegetable parchment
4807 - composite paper
4808 - corrugated paper
4809 - carbon paper
4810 - kaolin coated paper
4811 - cellulose fibers paper
4812 - paper pulp filter blocks
4813 - cigarette paper
4814 - wallpaper
4816 - other carbon paper
4817 - letter stock
4818 - toilet paper
4819 - paper containers
4820 - paper notebooks
4821 - paper labels
4822 - paper spools
4823 - shaped paper
49 - printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans
4901 - brochures
4902 - newspapers
4903 - children's picture books
4904 - sheet music
4905 - maps
4906 - architectural plans
4907 - postage stamps
4908 - decals
4909 - postcards
4910 - calendars
4911 - other printed material
50 - silk
5001 - silkworm cocoons
5002 - raw silk
5003 - silk waste
5004 - non-retail silk yarn
5005 - silk waste yarn
5006 - retail silk yarn
5007 - silk fabrics
5071 - missinging description
51 - wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric
5101 - wool
5102 - animal hair
5103 - wool or animal hair waste
5104 - garnetted wool or animal hair
5105 - prepared wool or animal hair
5106 - non-retail carded wool yarn
5107 - non-retail combed wool yarn
5108 - non-retail animal hair yarn
5109 - retail wool or animal hair yarn
5110 - horsehair yarn
5111 - carded wool or animal hair fabric
5112 - combed wool or animal hair fabric
5113 - horsehair fabric
5115 - missinging description
52 - cotton
5201 - raw cotton
5202 - cotton waste
5203 - prepared cotton
5204 - cotton sewing thread
5205 - non-retail pure cotton yarn
5206 - non-retail mixed cotton yarn
5207 - retail cotton yarn
5208 - light pure woven cotton
5209 - heavy pure woven cotton
5210 - light mixed woven cotton
5211 - heavy mixed woven cotton
5212 - other cotton fabrics
53 - other vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn and woven fabric of paper yarn
5301 - flax fibers
5302 - hemp fibers
5303 - jute and other textile fibers
5305 - coconut and other vegetable fibers
5306 - flax yarn
5307 - jute yarn
5308 - other vegetable fibers yarn
5309 - flax woven fabric
5310 - jute woven fabric
5311 - other vegetable fibers fabric
54 - manmade filaments
5401 - artificial filament sewing thread
5402 - non-retail synthetic filament yarn
5403 - non-retail artificial filament yarn
5404 - synthetic monofilament
5405 - artificial monofilament
5406 - retail artificial filament yarn
5407 - synthetic filament yarn woven fabric
5408 - artificial filament yarn woven fabric
55 - manmade staple fibers
5501 - synthetic filament tow
5502 - artificial filament tow
5503 - unprocessed synthetic staple fibers
5504 - unprocessed artificial staple fibers
5505 - artificial fibers waste
5506 - processed synthetic staple fibers
5507 - processed artificial staple fibers
5508 - non-retail artificial staple fibers sewing thread
5509 - non-retail synthetic staple fibers yarn
5510 - non-retail artificial staple fibers yarn
5511 - retail artificial staple fibers yarn
5512 - synthetic fabrics
5513 - light synthetic cotton fabrics
5514 - heavy synthetic cotton fabrics
5515 - other synthetic fabrics
5516 - woven fabric of synthetic staple fibers
56 - wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns, twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof
5601 - wadding
5602 - felt
5603 - non-woven textiles
5604 - rubber textiles
5605 - metallic yarn
5606 - gimp yarn
5607 - twine and rope
5608 - netting
5609 - other articles of twine and rope
57 - carpets and other textile floor coverings
5701 - knotted carpets
5702 - hand-woven rugs
5703 - tufted carpets
5704 - felt carpets
5705 - other carpets
5707 - missinging description
58 - special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace, tapestries; trimmings; embroidery
5801 - woven fabrics
5802 - terry fabric
5803 - gauze
5804 - tulles and net fabric
5805 - hand-woven tapestries
5806 - narrow woven fabric
5807 - labels
5808 - ornamental trimmings
5809 - metallic fabric
5810 - embroidery
5811 - quilted textiles
5821 - missinging description
59 - impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use
5901 - gum coated textile fabric
5902 - polyamide fabric
5903 - plastic coated textile fabric
5904 - linoleum
5905 - textile wall coverings
5906 - rubber textile fabric
5907 - coated textile fabric
5908 - textile wicks
5909 - hose piping textiles
5910 - conveyor belt textiles
5911 - technical use textiles
60 - knitted or crocheted fabrics
6001 - pile fabric
6002 - light rubberized knitted fabric
6003 - other light knitted fabric
6004 - heavy rubberized knitted fabric
6005 - warp knit fabrics
6006 - other knit fabric
6023 - missinging description
61 - articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted
6101 - knit men's coats
6102 - knit women's coats
6103 - knit men's suits
6104 - knit women's suits
6105 - knit men's shirts
6106 - knit women's shirts
6107 - knit men's undergarments
6108 - knit women's undergarments
6109 - knit t-shirts
6110 - knit sweaters
6111 - knit babies' garments
6112 - knit active wear
6113 - garments of impregnated fabric
6114 - other knit garments
6115 - knit socks and hosiery
6116 - knit gloves
6117 - other knit clothing accessories
6119 - missinging description
62 - articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted
6201 - non-knit men's coats
6202 - non-knit women's coats
6203 - non-knit men's suits
6204 - non-knit women's suits
6205 - non-knit men's shirts
6206 - non-knit women's shirts
6207 - non-knit men's undergarments
6208 - non-knit women's undergarments
6209 - non-knit babies' garments
6210 - felt or coated fabric garments
6211 - non-knit active wear
6212 - other women's undergarments
6213 - handkerchiefs
6214 - scarves
6215 - neck ties
6216 - non-knit gloves
6217 - other non-knit clothing accessories
63 - other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags
6301 - blankets
6302 - house linens
6303 - window dressings
6304 - bedspreads
6305 - packing bags
6306 - awnings, tents, and sails
6307 - other cloth articles
6308 - packaged sewing sets
6309 - used clothing
6310 - textile scraps
64 - footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles
6401 - waterproof footwear
6402 - rubber footwear
6403 - leather footwear
6404 - textile footwear
6405 - other footwear
6406 - footwear parts
65 - headgear and parts thereof
6501 - hat forms
6502 - hat shapes
6504 - hats
6505 - knitted hats
6506 - other headwear
6507 - headbands and linings
6517 - missinging description
6544 - missinging description
66 - umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seatsticks, whips, ridingcrops and parts thereof
6601 - umbrellas
6602 - walking sticks
6603 - umbrella and walking stick accessories
67 - prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; articles of human hair
6701 - bird skins and feathers
6702 - artificial vegetation
6703 - processed hair
6704 - fake hair
68 - articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials
6801 - curbstones
6802 - building stone
6803 - slate
6804 - milling stones
6805 - abrasive powder
6806 - rock wool
6807 - asphalt
6808 - vegetable fiber
6809 - plaster articles
6810 - cement articles
6811 - asbestos cement articles
6812 - asbestos fibres
6813 - friction material
6814 - mica
6815 - other stone articles
69 - ceramic products
6901 - bricks
6902 - refractory bricks
6903 - refractory ceramics
6904 - ceramic bricks
6905 - roofing tiles
6906 - ceramic pipes
6907 - unglazed ceramics
6908 - glazed ceramics
6909 - laboratory ceramic ware
6910 - bathroom ceramics
6911 - porcelain tableware
6912 - ceramic tableware
6913 - ornamental ceramics
6914 - other ceramic articles
70 - glass and glassware
7001 - glass scraps
7002 - glass balls
7003 - cast or rolled glass
7004 - blown glass
7005 - float glass
7006 - glass with edge workings
7007 - safety glass
7008 - insulating glass
7009 - glass mirrors
7010 - glass bottles
7011 - glass bulbs
7013 - interior decorative glassware
7014 - signaling glassware
7015 - eyewear and clock glass
7016 - glass bricks
7017 - laboratory glassware
7018 - glass beads
7019 - glass fibers
7020 - other glass articles
7040 - missinging description
71 - natural or cultured pearls, precious or semiprecious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin
7101 - pearls
7102 - diamonds
7103 - precious stones
7104 - synthetic reconstructed jewellery stones
7105 - precious stone dust
7106 - silver
7107 - silver clad metals
7108 - gold
7109 - gold clad metals
7110 - platinum
7111 - platinum clad metals
7112 - precious metal scraps
7113 - jewellery
7114 - metal-clad products
7115 - other precious metal products
7116 - pearl products
7117 - imitation jewellery
7118 - coin
7136 - missinging description
7143 - missinging description
7144 - missinging description
7145 - missinging description
72 - iron and steel
7201 - pig iron
7202 - ferroalloys
7203 - iron reductions
7204 - scrap iron
7205 - iron powder
7206 - iron ingots
7207 - semi-finished iron
7208 - hot-rolled iron
7209 - cold-rolled iron
7210 - coated flat-rolled iron
7211 - large flat-rolled iron
7212 - large coated flat-rolled iron
7213 - hot-rolled iron bars
7214 - raw iron bars
7215 - other iron bars
7216 - iron blocks
7217 - iron wire
7218 - stainless steel ingots
7219 - large flat-rolled stainless steel
7220 - flat-rolled stainless steel
7221 - hot-rolled stainless steel bars
7222 - other stainless steel bars
7223 - stainless steel wire
7224 - steel ingots
7225 - flat flat-rolled steel
7226 - flat-rolled iron
7227 - steel bars
7228 - other steel bars
7229 - steel wire
73 - articles of iron or steel
7301 - iron sheet piling
7302 - iron railway products
7303 - cast iron pipes
7304 - iron pipes
7305 - other large iron pipes
7306 - other small iron pipes
7307 - iron pipe fittings
7308 - iron structures
7309 - large iron containers
7310 - small iron containers
7311 - iron gas containers
7312 - stranded iron wire
7313 - barbed wire
7314 - iron cloth
7315 - iron chains
7316 - iron anchors
7317 - iron nails
7318 - iron fasteners
7319 - iron sewing needles
7320 - iron springs
7321 - iron stovetops
7322 - iron radiators
7323 - iron housewares
7324 - iron toiletry
7325 - other cast iron products
7326 - other iron products
74 - copper and articles thereof
7401 - precipitated copper
7402 - raw copper
7403 - refined copper
7404 - scrap copper
7405 - copper alloys
7406 - copper powder
7407 - copper bars
7408 - copper wire
7409 - copper plating
7410 - copper foil
7411 - copper pipes
7412 - copper pipe fittings
7413 - stranded copper wire
7415 - copper fasteners
7418 - copper housewares
7419 - other copper products
75 - nickel and articles thereof
7501 - nickel mattes
7502 - raw nickel
7503 - scrap nickel
7504 - nickel powder
7505 - nickel bars
7506 - nickel sheets
7507 - nickel pipes
7508 - other nickel products
76 - aluminum and articles thereof
7601 - raw aluminium
7602 - scrap aluminium
7603 - aluminium powder
7604 - aluminium bars
7605 - aluminium wire
7606 - aluminium plating
7607 - aluminium foil
7608 - aluminium pipes
7609 - aluminium pipe fittings
7610 - aluminium structures
7611 - large aluminium containers
7612 - aluminium cans
7613 - aluminium gas containers
7614 - stranded aluminium wire
7615 - aluminium housewares
7616 - other aluminium products
78 - lead and articles thereof
7801 - raw lead
7802 - scrap lead
7804 - lead sheets
7806 - other lead products
7818 - missinging description
79 - zinc and articles thereof
7901 - raw zinc
7902 - scrap waste
7903 - zinc powder
7904 - zinc bars
7905 - zinc sheets
7907 - other zinc products
80 - tin and articles thereof
8001 - raw tin
8002 - scrap tin
8003 - tin bars
8007 - other tin products
8027 - missinging description
8028 - missinging description
8083 - missinging description
8084 - missinging description
81 - other base metals; cermets; articles thereof
8101 - tungsten
8102 - molybdenum
8103 - tantalum
8104 - magnesium
8105 - cobalt
8106 - bismuth
8107 - cadmium
8108 - titanium
8109 - zirconium
8110 - antimony
8111 - manganese
8112 - other metals
8113 - cermets
82 - tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereof of base metal
8201 - garden tools
8202 - hand saws
8203 - hand tools
8204 - wrenches
8205 - other hand tools
8206 - tool sets
8207 - interchangeable tool parts
8208 - cutting blades
8209 - tool plates
8210 - cooking hand tools
8211 - knives
8212 - razor blades
8213 - scissors
8214 - other cutlery
8215 - cutlery sets
83 - miscellaneous articles of base metal
8301 - padlocks
8302 - metal mountings
8303 - safes
8304 - filing cabinets
8305 - metal office supplies
8306 - bells and other metal ornaments
8307 - flexible metal tubing
8308 - other metal fasteners
8309 - metal stoppers
8310 - metal signs
8311 - coated metal soldering products
84 - nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
8401 - nuclear reactors
8402 - steam boilers
8403 - central heating boilers
8404 - boiler plants
8405 - water and gas generators
8406 - steam turbines
8407 - spark-ignition engines
8408 - combustion engines
8409 - engine parts
8410 - hydraulic turbines
8411 - gas turbines
8412 - other engines
8413 - liquid pumps
8414 - air pumps
8415 - air conditioners
8416 - liquid fuel furnaces
8417 - industrial furnaces
8418 - refrigerators
8419 - other heating machinery
8420 - rolling machines
8421 - centrifuges
8422 - washing and bottling machines
8423 - scales
8424 - liquid dispersing machines
8425 - pulley systems
8426 - cranes
8427 - fork-lifts
8428 - lifting machinery
8429 - large construction vehicles
8430 - other construction vehicles
8431 - excavation machinery
8432 - soil preparation machinery
8433 - harvesting machinery
8434 - dairy machinery
8435 - fruit pressing machinery
8436 - other agricultural machinery
8437 - mill machinery
8438 - industrial food preperation machinery
8439 - papermaking machines
8440 - book-binding machines
8441 - other paper machinery
8442 - print production machinery
8443 - industrial printers
8444 - artificial textile machinery
8445 - textile fiber machinery
8446 - looms
8447 - knitting machines
8448 - knitting machine accessories
8449 - felt machinery
8450 - household washing machines
8451 - textile processing machines
8452 - sewing machines
8453 - leather machinery
8454 - casting machines
8455 - metal-rolling mills
8456 - non-mechanical removal machinery
8457 - metalworking transfer machines
8458 - metal lathes
8459 - drilling machines
8460 - metal finishing machines
8461 - metalworking machines
8462 - forging machines
8463 - other non-metal removal machinery
8464 - stone working machines
8465 - woodworking machines
8466 - metalworking machine parts
8467 - motor-working tools
8468 - soldering and welding machinery
8469 - typewriters
8470 - calculators
8471 - computers
8472 - other office machines
8473 - office machine parts
8474 - stone processing machines
8475 - glass working machines
8476 - vending machines
8477 - rubberworking machinery
8478 - tobacco processing machines
8479 - machinery having individual functions
8480 - metal molds
8481 - valves
8482 - ball bearings
8483 - transmissions
8484 - gaskets
8486 - semiconductor machinery
8487 - machinery not containing electrical connectors
85 - electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
8501 - electric motors
8502 - electric generating sets
8503 - electric motor parts
8504 - electrical transformers
8505 - electromagnets
8506 - batteries
8507 - electric batteries
8508 - vacuum cleaners
8509 - other domestic electric housewares
8510 - hair trimmers
8511 - electrical ignitions
8512 - electrical lighting and signalling equipment
8513 - portable lighting
8514 - electric furnaces
8515 - electric soldering equipment
8516 - electric heaters
8517 - telephones
8518 - microphones and headphones
8519 - sound recording equipment
8521 - video recording equipment
8522 - audio and video recording accessories
8523 - blank audio media
8524 - sound recordings
8525 - broadcasting equipment
8526 - navigation equipment
8527 - radio receivers
8528 - video displays
8529 - broadcasting accessories
8530 - traffic signals
8531 - audio alarms
8532 - electrical capacitors
8533 - electrical resistors
8534 - printed circuit boards
8535 - high-voltage protection equipment
8536 - low-voltage protection equipment
8537 - electrical control boards
8538 - electrical power accessories
8539 - electric filament
8540 - cathode tubes
8541 - semiconductor devices
8542 - integrated circuits
8543 - other electrical machinery
8544 - insulated wire
8545 - carbon-based electronics
8546 - electrical insulators
8547 - metal insulating fittings
8548 - electrical parts
8549 - missinging description
86 - railway or tramway locomotives, rollingstock and parts thereof; railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including electromechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds
8601 - electric locomotives
8602 - other locomotives
8603 - self-propelled rail transport
8604 - railway maintenance vehicles
8605 - railway passenger cars
8606 - railway freight cars
8607 - locomotive parts
8608 - railway track fixtures
8609 - railway cargo containers
87 - vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof
8701 - tractors
8702 - buses
8703 - cars
8704 - delivery trucks
8705 - specialized vehicles
8706 - vehicle chassis
8707 - vehicle bodies
8708 - vehicle parts
8709 - work trucks
8710 - armored vehicles
8711 - motorcycles
8712 - bicycles
8713 - wheelchairs
8714 - bi-wheel vehicle parts
8715 - baby carriages
8716 - trailers
8717 - missinging description
8723 - missinging description
88 - aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof
8801 - non-powered aircraft
8802 - planes, helicopters, and/or spacecraft
8803 - aircraft parts
8804 - parachutes
8805 - aircraft launch gear
8806 - missinging description
8807 - missinging description
8870 - missinging description
89 - ships, boats and floating structures
8901 - passenger and cargo ships
8902 - fishing ships
8903 - recreational boats
8904 - tug boats
8905 - special purpose ships
8906 - other sea vessels
8907 - other floating structures
8908 - scrap vessels
90 - optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof
9001 - optical fibers
9002 - mirrors and lenses
9003 - eyewear frames
9004 - eyewear
9005 - binoculars and telescopes
9006 - cameras
9007 - video cameras
9008 - image projectors
9010 - photo lab equipment
9011 - microscopes
9012 - non-optical microscopes
9013 - lcds
9014 - compasses
9015 - surveying equipment
9016 - balances
9017 - drafting tools
9018 - medical instruments
9019 - therapeutic appliances
9020 - breathing appliances
9021 - orthopedic appliances
9022 - x-ray equipment
9023 - instructional models
9024 - tensile testing machines
9025 - hydrometers
9026 - gas and liquid flow measuring instruments
9027 - chemical analysis instruments
9028 - utility meters
9029 - revolution counters
9030 - oscilloscopes
9031 - other measuring instruments
9032 - thermostats
9033 - opto-electric instrument parts
9051 - missinging description
9052 - missinging description
9071 - missinging description
9072 - missinging description
9082 - missinging description
9096 - missinging description
91 - clocks and watches and parts thereof
9101 - precious metal watches
9102 - base metal watches
9103 - clocks with watch movements
9104 - dashboard clocks
9105 - other clocks
9106 - time recording instruments
9107 - time switches
9108 - watch movements
9109 - clock movements
9110 - incomplete movement sets
9111 - watch cases and parts
9112 - clock cases and parts
9113 - watch straps
9114 - other clocks and watches
9173 - missinging description
92 - musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles
9201 - pianos
9202 - string instruments
9205 - wind instruments
9206 - percussion
9207 - electric musical instruments
9208 - other musical instruments
9209 - musical instrument parts
93 - arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof
9301 - military weapons
9302 - handguns
9303 - other firearms
9304 - spring, air, and gas guns
9305 - weapons parts and accessories
9306 - explosive ammunition
9307 - bladed weapons and accessories
94 - furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated sign illuminated nameplates and the like; prefabricated buildings
9401 - seats
9402 - medical furniture
9403 - other furniture
9404 - mattresses
9405 - light fixtures
9406 - prefabricated buildings
95 - toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof
9503 - models and stuffed animals
9504 - video and card games
9505 - party decorations
9506 - sports equipment
9507 - fishing and hunting equipment
9508 - fairground amusements
96 - miscellaneous manufactured articles
9601 - worked ivory and bone
9602 - vegetable and mineral carvings
9603 - brooms
9604 - hand sifters
9605 - travel kits
9606 - buttons
9607 - zippers
9608 - pens
9609 - pencils and crayons
9610 - chalkboards
9611 - rubber stamps
9612 - ink ribbons
9613 - lighters
9614 - smoking pipes
9615 - combs
9616 - scent sprays
9617 - vacuum flask
9618 - mannequins
9620 - missinging description
97 - works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques
9701 - paintings
9702 - prints
9703 - sculptures
9704 - revenue stamps
9705 - collector's items
9706 - antiques
9709 - missinging description
98 - reserved for special uses between the contracting parties